Tennis Crash Course
Day: Saturday
Time: 7 pm to 10 PM
Venue: play! tennis chai chee
Our Saturday tennis crash course is perfect for you if you wish to pick up tennis quickly and get started playing with your friends or family.

Training Program
You will be presented with an overview of the game of tennis. You will learn its rules, how to select a suitable racket, the types of strings to use, the different ways to grip your racket, and tennis-specific warm-ups.
You will learn the correct swing patterns for the forehand and backhand groundstrokes. You will develop the proper backswing, contact, and follow-through.
You will learn how to volley with the proper footwork. You will be taught the overhead serve and how to start your point with confidence.
Your coach will provide you with a personalised assessment of your strokes, helping you to identify your common errors and to correct them.
We will reinforce the techniques that you have been taught. Your coach will see to it that you correct your errors and start developing more consistency in your shots.
You will be able to put all your skills together and experience the excitement of playing a match!