Women Tennis Lessons

Both men and women enjoy the sport of tennis, and their talents and skills can be found in equal measure. However, the different genders have different physiology, and as such their approach to tennis ought to be different. Our training program recognizes these differences and employs the correct tennis biomechanics that work best for female tennis players. These classes are suitable for women of all ages and backgrounds. We have a community of female tennis players who are encouraging and will support you in your tennis journey.


Our certified tennis coaches will teach you to employ modern techniques that are appropriate for female players, so that you will be able to hit the ball with more consistency, power, and spin. You will learn how to adopt a longer backswing to generate more topspin in your groundstrokes, how to use your core muscles to generate more power in your serves, and how to move your feet to acquire more consistency in your games.

Join our women tennis lessons and pick up the sport in a friendly female environment where you can learn at your own pace, encourage one another to improve, and progress together as a group. You will likely make great friends and hang out together outside the tennis court as well!


$400 for 4 private classes (1 hour each class). Enjoy $40 discount if you provide the court.


Explore Play! Tennis