3 Reasons Why You Should Hit Cross Court

When playing tennis, one of the most important things to remember is to hit cross court. Hitting cross court means that you hit the ball diagonally across the tennis court. This might seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many people try to hit the ball down the line. Here are three reasons why hitting cross court is important.

More Margin For Error

In tennis, cross-court shots are typically seen as the safe option as you have more margin for error when hitting cross court. By simply hitting the ball towards the centre of the court, you will have more court space to work with. The further you hit the ball from the centre of the court, the more likely it is that your shot will land outside the lines. 

Hitting the ball cross court also gives you the advantage of hitting over the lowest part of the net. The net on a tennis court has a strap down the middle of it, keeping it taut and slightly lower compared to the ends of the net.

By playing the ball cross court, you will therefore have more margin for error than going down the line, where your ball will have to clear the higher part of the net.

Hitting Cross Court Opens Up Down-the-Line Shots Later On

Hitting cross court can open up down-the-line shots later in the point. This is because when you hit cross court, your opponent has to be positioned on one side of the court. This gives you an opportunity to hit down-the-line, towards the empty side of the court.

Easier To Return Cross Court

When your opponent serves, the ball will come towards you diagonally (cross court) and you will find that it will be easier to return the shot cross court, in the same direction the ball is coming from, as you do not have to change the angle of the ball.

So there you have it - three reasons why hitting cross court is important in tennis. Next time you're on the court, remember these tips and put them into practice. You might just find yourself winning more matches!

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