How To Hit Deeper Tennis Groundstrokes (Forehand and Backhand)

Hitting deep groundstrokes are an important part of any tennis player's arsenal. They allow you to keep your opponents on the defensive and can be a real weapon if used correctly. Hitting deeper groundstrokes isn't just about hitting the ball harder, though; it's also about using the right technique. With a few simple tips, you can start hitting those deep groundstrokes that will keep your opponents on the defensive.

Use Your Legs 

When you hit a deep groundstroke, your legs should do most of the work. The power for your shot comes from your legs, so make sure to use them correctly. This means transferring your weight from your back foot to your front foot as you swing. This will give you more power and help you keep control of the ball.

Use Your Core 

Your core is another important source of power for your shots. When you swing, make sure to rotate your torso so that your core muscles are engaged. This will help transfer power from your legs to your arms and will also help keep your balance. Remember to keep your head still as you swing; if you start moving your head, it might throw off your whole body’s balance and cause you to lose power and control.

Use Your Arms 

Your arms are important for generating spin and keeping the ball in control. When you swing, make sure to use both arms; don't just rely on one arm to do all the work. Both arms should be moving in unison throughout the entire swing. As you make contact with the ball, snap your wrists so that you generate topspin or backspin depending on what shot you're trying to hit. This spin will help keep the ball in control and prevent it from going long or into the net.

You should also make sure to follow through with your swing so that you hit the ball in the sweet spot. This will help ensure that the ball goes where you want it to go.

Deep groundstrokes are an important weapon in any tennis player's arsenal. By using your legs, core, and arms correctly, you can start hitting those deep shots that will keep your opponents guessing. Practice these techniques and soon you'll be hitting deeper groundstrokes with ease!

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