Take The Offensive! How to Play an Attacking Tennis Game 

If you’re looking to add some extra punch to your tennis game, then playing an attacking style of tennis is the way to go. An attacking style of play is all about taking control of the court and dictating the points with aggressive shots. You will be seeking to control the tempo of the match and put your opponents on their heels. Here’s how to play an attacking tennis game.

Focus On Your Serve 

A strong serve is essential for any aggressive player. You want your serve to be powerful enough to put your opponent on the defence immediately. Practice serving with power as well as accuracy in order to give yourself a better chance of winning points right away. This will also put pressure on your opponent because they know that they have less time when returning a serve from an aggressive player.

Footwork Is Key 

In an attacking style of play, footwork will be one of your key weapons in winning points. As an aggressive player, you need to be able to move quickly and efficiently around the court in order to get into position for shots. Move using quick, small steps in order to stay balanced and responsive when moving from one end of the court to another.

Hit Deep Groundstrokes

Deep groundstrokes are shots that land beyond the service line, pinning your opponent at the baseline, and opening up more space on the court for your shots. This allows you to set up easier shots and create openings to attack the net. 

To hit deep groundstrokes, you’ll need to stay low by keeping your knees bent and weight distributed evenly across both feet as much as possible. Staying low to the ground allows you greater manoeuvrability around the court while also helping you generate more power in your shots.

Move To The Net

When given the opportunity, move to the net in order to pressure your opponent into making mistakes or hitting lower percentage shots due to lack of time or space on court for them to set up their shots properly. You are also more likely to hit winners when you move forward to the net for volleys.

Vary Your Shots

Playing an attacking style of tennis isn’t just about hitting hard. It’s also about dictating the pace of play. You should always strive to build up a rhythm in which you are in charge, not your opponent. That means playing with a variety of shots - think slices, drop shots, lobs - and using them strategically. This will force your opponent out of their comfort zone and give them less time to react as they try and figure out what kind of shot is coming next. 

Remember that aggression doesn't mean recklessness. A good attacking player knows when they should go for a winner and when they should hold back. Being able to read the court situation quickly is key here; if you see an opportunity for a winner then take it but don't forget that there are times when it's better to be patient and stay in the rally.  

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