The Most Underrated Tennis Shot - Slice Backhand
If you're like most tennis players, you probably spend the majority of your time practicing your forehand. After all, it's the shot that we hit the most in a match. But what about the backhand? The backhand is just as important as the forehand, yet it's often neglected. Today, we're going to take a closer look at the slice backhand - arguably the most underrated tennis shot.
What Is A Slice Backhand?
A slice backhand is a backhanded shot that has spin on it. When you hit a slice backhand, the ball bounces low and skids across the court. This makes it hard for your opponent to control their shots and might force them into an error.
The slice backhand may not have the same "wow factor" as some of the other strokes in tennis. Despite this, it can be a very effective way to win points.
How To Grip The Racket For The Perfect Slice
The continental grip is the best grip for this shot, as it gives you more control over the ball. To grip the racket with the continental grip, simply place your index knuckle on bevel two of the racket.
Place the knuckle of your index finger on bevel 2.
How To Hit A Slice Backhand
To hit a slice backhand, start by positioning yourself so that you are slightly side-on to the ball. Start your swing from high to low and keep your wrist firm as you make contact with the ball.
Make sure that you follow through with your shot after making contact with the ball. A lot of players make the mistake of stopping their swing as soon as they hit the ball. This causes the ball to go into the net or pop up into the air. Your follow through will help you to keep control of the shot and to generate the slice on the ball.
When To Use The Slice Backhand
The most important thing you need to know about the slice backhand is that it's all about control. You're not looking to hit the ball hard; you're looking to place it at a strategic position on the court.
If you're stretched wide and can't reach the ball with a regular backhand, hitting a slice can be a great way to keep the point alive. The slice can help extend your reach to the ball, and also give you more time to get back into position if you hit a high floating slice.
Another reason why the slice backhand is effective is because it changes the pace of the game. If you are constantly hitting balls with topspin or flat shots, your opponent will know what to expect and they will be able to anticipate your shots. However, if you mix in some slices every now and then, your opponent will not be able to predict what you're going to do next and they might hit some errors.
Don’t Underestimate The Slice
The slice backhand is often overlooked, but it's a powerful weapon that every tennis player should have in their arsenal. When executed properly, it can be a tricky shot for your opponent to return. So next time you're on the court, don't forget to practice your slice backhand!
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About The Author
Darren Teo is the founder of Play! Tennis, the most Google reviewed tennis academy in Singapore. His passion for making tennis accessible to everyone regardless of their age, experience and ability continues to drive his work at the school. He is a thought leader in LinkedIn with 14,000 followers.